Member Spotlight July 2014- Nick Cambi- Strongman


Hi Nick! Thanks for taking the time for this interview. When did you start lifting?

I started lifting consistently when I was a sophomore in High school out of necessity for Football and Wrestling. I started Strongman about 2 years ago and Olympic lifting about a year and a half ago.

What program you follow?

The Cambi Program -It’s a combination between Olympic Lifting, Strongman and Powerlifting (excluding Bench).

What are your best lifts in competition?

Nick Cambi 381 Clean and Jerk

From a few different Strongman Contests in the past year:

Axle Clean and Press:

275 – Clean and 10 presses

Deadlift for reps for 60 seconds

545 – 9 reps

Stones over a 48inch Bar

355 – 5 reps

Deadlift Medley with 60s, Barbell, Axles and Trap Bar for reps:

500- 1 rep

500- 1 rep

580- 18 reps

Best Lifts in Training: 1RM

Axle: 375

Log: 330

Giant Dumbbell: 215

Yoke: 860 for 50ft

950 for 30ft

Atlas Stones to 54 inch Platform:425

Clean and Jerk: 381

Snatch: 271

Front Squat: 435

Squat: 505

Here are some videos of Nick in training and competition:

YouTube: Cambidude

Battle of the Thunder Gods 2014

2013 North American Strongman National Championships

215 Circus Dumbbell

381 Clean and Jerk

What challenges you have faced during your training and how you have overcome them?

In terms of injuries: Back Problems, consistently hurting my wrists and aching knees. The back problems was an easy fix because it was due to having to soft of a bed, once I switched beds the pain went away. With my wrists, tape and wrist wraps and then weaning off of them. Lastly with my knees, better squatting practices and reassessing form.

Every so often you’re going to hit a rut in your training and the worst thing you can do is to give up early and ditch the current routine or program. Powering through workouts despite being sore/hurt will make all the difference in the end and is definitely a character builder.

How training has impacted your life outside of the gym.

My training has definitely increased my swollenness for sure. But the commitment and dedication in the gym never goes unnoticed by your coach and/or employer. It shows your hard work ethic and the ability to overcome adversity.

Value of having a coach vs. training alone.

I mostly train alone, but training alone allows you to have more of a flexible schedule and a fast pace workout. But Coaching is always needed every so often.

Nick Cambi Strongman Circus Dumbell

Current achievements/awards/recognition:

In terms of Strength Sports in the Past Year (231lb Class)

1st @ 2013 Massachusetts Strongest Man

10th @ 2013 NAS Amateur Nationals

1st @ 2014 North Carolina Strongest Man

1st @ Battle of the Thunder GODS IV

What are some of your goals for the next year?

A Pro Card for Strongman would be terrific or a National Championship.


400 plus Clean and Jerk

300 plus Snatch

What advice would you give to newer lifters just getting started?

You’re only going to get out of it what you put into it! Soooo…

Consistency! Consistency !! Consistency !!! You must have this in your training, diet and your sleep. Also fitting your life around your workouts is a challenge but very important, so planning ahead is always beneficial. Set your Goals High, but make sure you set mini goals to achieve along way to ensure you reach your ultimate goal(s). Lastly, Never give up, persevere and lift HEAVY!!!!

Nick is one of many great lifters here at TPS! We want to hear about your success! If you would like to share your story email me at

Russ Smith C.F.T.

W.S.B.B. Certified