Over the next three months I’ll explain the three basic food categories and give you a better understanding of them.
The three basic food categories are carbohydrate, fat and protein.
Up first this month is protein.
What is protein?
Protein is what our body uses to build lean tissue, or muscle.
Here are a few things that we know about protein:
- protein is the most difficult of all the nutrients for the body to convert to fat
- strength training athletes (people like you) need 2-4 times the RDA for protein
- protein needs to be consumed every three to four hours to maximize your body’s “metabolic furnace”
- we need to consume lean protein and avoid fatty sources of animal protein
- protein is essential for growth and recovery from training
- we must eat complete sources of protein
Complete sources are generally animal proteins; vegetable proteins must be combined to make a complete protein. Complete protein contains all of the essential amino acids.
So what does all this mean?
Well, a few things:
- eat lean sources of animal protein
- use a protein supplement to make it easy to consume protein every three to four hours
- make sure that you get protein in fifteen to thirty minutes post workout -consume protein at every meal
What are good sources of protein?
- chicken breast
- eggs and egg whites
- lean red meat
- turkey
- high quality, name brand protein powders
- lean pork, no kidding,/li>
- skim or low fat dairy products like yogurt and cottage cheese
- in a pinch, low sodium lunch meat like ham and turkey
So, with this brief introduction to protein, what should you take away from this article?
The most important thing you should take away form this is that protein is ESSENTIAL to a strength training athlete’s diet. It helps your body repair itself from your workouts, it is hard for your body to convert it to fat, and you must eat protein every three to four hours to maximize your results.
I realize that this is far from a complete discussion on protein, and it was not meant to be. It should give you some “food for thought” on what it is, why you should consume it, and when to consume it. Now go grab a steak shake and start gettin’ better!
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