
I am a 23 year old female and I have been working out at TPS for over a year now. I have also had digestive issues for over 6 years; a constant combination of constipation and an extremely distended/ bloated stomach. I have tried a gluten-free diet (maybe not as strict as I could’ve) and a dairy free diet and both did not make a drastic difference.

Right now I use Miralax every to help me go (which usually works but not to a satisfying point) and although doctors have told me Miralax is safe long term, I would ideally like to find the right balance of diet and supplements to help me get away from the drugs and improve the way I feel every day. I wake up full and bloated every day despite what I’ve had to eat the day before.

My stomach is always bloated, which is very uncomfortable. I drink a ton of water so I don’t think that’s the issue. Other than this, I’m a healthy person and would like to lose a little bit of body fat, but I’m by no means overweight. Murph suggested trying a non-GMO protein; which ones can you suggest? And what other suggestions do you have for me?

Thank you!!!

Name withheld


Thanks so much for contacting me! I am sorry to hear you have been struggling with digestive issues. A well-functioning digestive tract is critical for nutrient absorption, hormone production, and an overall healthy immune system. Plus, as you mentioned, the issues you are dealing with are uncomfortable and inconvenient.

Murph was right in pointing out that a high-quality protein powder(especially if you are currently using a cheap or low-quality power) may make a difference.

You were also smart to pull gluten and dairy out of your diet to see if they made a difference. Even though you didn’t notice a huge difference to begin with, you may still want to keep them out of your diet while you try to resolve this problem, as they have been shown to cause digestive discomfort in many people.

Here are some other things I would try:

1. Digestive Enzymes – If you don’t have enough stomach acid to properly digest your food, this cause gas, bloating, and distention. Digestive enzymes will help break your food down for you to help improve your digestion.

2. Probiotics– Due to stress, low quality food sources, and antibiotics, most of us do not have a healthy ratio of good/bad bacteria in our guts. Replenishing your good bacteria with a high quality probiotic may help your issues.

3. Betaine HCL – As mentioned above, if you don’t have enough stomach acid to digest your food properly, you are in trouble. Some experts say that betaine HCL actually helps restore your body’s natural stomach acid, while other experts say that it doesn’t. I would do my own research if I were you. It’s worth looking into. Get the protocol for taking betaine HCL.

4. Food allergies – Even though you removed gluten and dairy from your diet (which is awesome!) you may still be consuming foods that are causing the bloating and distention. I would recommend taking a Meridian food allergy test (it’s a blood test) to see what your body may be reacting to.

5. Chewing your food – This one may sound pretty obvious, but most of us do not take the time to properly chew our food. We often eat standing up, on the go, in our cars, etc. and don’t take the time to properly chew. Remember, digestion begins in the mouth! So chew your food until it’s almost liquefied. This can be helpful.

6. FODMAPs and GAPS protocols – I’ll be honest, I haven’t done a ton of research into either of these protocols, but I have heard testimonials from several people that I trust who have gotten digestive relief from doing them, so I’d be remiss not to mention them. Do your research and see if either of them interest you.

Well, I hope you find these tips helpful. And remember, I am not a Doctor. These are just a few things that I have seen help my clients with their digestive issues. Please do not start any new medications or supplements without consulting your Doctor first.


Molly Galbraith C.S.C.S.