Tuna – easy, quick and full of protein.

I was reading about this the other day in the Nutrition Action Newsletter and I though I would share it with you own my own words. (I always give credit when I use other work.)

We live in an “on the go ” society and people often complain that they can’t find the time to eat healthy. It is tough to grab a quick, healthy meal on the road. If you forget to pack a lunch, the urge to succumb to the drive through is hard to resist. Here is the easiest solution for you.

Grab a POUCH of tuna or salmon and an apple. These are available at almost every convenience store and supermarket. Tuna and salmon are excellent sources of lean protein, EPA and DHA (Omega-3 fatty acids, the good ones) and they taste great. Did you notice that I said a pouch and not a can?

Tuna and salmon packed in pouches are a much healthier alternative than cans for several reasons.

Tuna packed in a pouch has much less sodium than cans. It has much less water, so there is no draining while you are in the office or the car. There is one more HUGE thing missing from pouches than from cans: Bisphenol A (BPA). BPA is a chemical in plastics that is linked to numerous health issues. People are so concerned with it that it has spawned a new industry, the aluminum and stainless steel water bottle craze. People are buying these in droves (and you can buy a new TPS aluminum water bottle if you like) to avoid BPAs and the health issues that come with them.

Most of us are unaware that the liners in the cans of tuna contain BPAs! The pouches do not. So if you are trying to avoid BPAs, get a quick dose of protein and stay out of the drive-through, pound a pouch.