We are starting a new feature this month (July 2010), The Pam Project. This feature will chronicle Pam Bello’s return to greatness.

Pam Fitness shoot

Pam Fitness shoot
Pam is a former TPS client and instructor who also competed in fitness competitions. Pam was forced to take some time off from training, almost a year, due to personal and professional reasons. She is now ready, willing and able to get back in the game and give 100%, so we decided to follow her progress and post it for all to see.

In order to prep for her transformation, Pam trained here at TPS for about a month taking the Gutts and Butts class as well as Muay Thai. Now that the prep phase is over, she is training twice weekly with Murph, once on her own and one or two Muay Thai classes per week.

Pam’s training will begin at a level a little higher than someone in off of the street who is new to exercise. Remember, she is a former competitor with a lifetime of training experience so we will be a little more aggressive with her than your average Mrs. Jones.

Stay tuned to the Pam Project page on the website for video updates of her workouts as well as progress pictures and reports.

Below is the first in the video series following Pam’s progress.

The Pam Project – Second Installment >>