Molly has a great new question this month and some AWESOME protein shake recipes! Don’t forget, she will be here at TPS in March for the Big Seminar 2. If you like her column, you’ll love her presentation. Read on in the newsletter for more info on the seminar.

Q: “Hey Molly! I have a question about protein shakes. I read that a lot of fitness trainers like them and then a lot of trainers say they don’t drink them at all, and that you should eat real food. But I don’t always have time for a full meal. Who is right? Do you ever drink them? If so, do you have any good recipes? The ones I have tasted before taste like chalk and I had a hard time choking them down. Thanks in advance for your help!” – Colleen K.

A: Hey Colleen! Thanks for taking the time to write in! This is actually a super common question.

I understand that a lot of trainers prefer real food over protein shakes, and in general, I am one of them. If you’ve read anything I’ve written about nutrition, you know that I always advocate real food… that means in general, if it doesn’t spoil within 7-10 days, don’t eat it. Obviously there are exceptions to that rule, but it’s a very easy and realistic way for people to determine if a food is healthful or not.

That being said, there is a time and a place for the consumption of protein shakes. Some good reasons to drink a protein shake:

– If you have trouble meeting your daily protein requirements

– If you are a vegetarian/pescatarian/don’t eat much meat

– If you are in a rush/don’t have time to cook/have a very busy schedule

– If you have trouble getting all your calories from real food (any of these recipes can be bulked up by adding more heavy whipping cream, whole eggs, extra nut butters, etc.).

– To control cravings/combat a sweet tooth

– For nourishment during times you might not feel like eating (i.e. first thing in the morning, pre-workout, post-workout, etc.)

This is not an exhaustive list, but most of the main bases are covered.

This is my absolute favorite protein powder
. In the interest of full disclosure, it’s a company I am affiliated with, but I choose to be affiliated with them because of the high quality of their products. Their protein powder is gluten-free, non-GMO, growth hormone free, sweetened with stevia, low-carb, and delicious! If you are interested in their products, I would appreciate you buying through my link. If you don’t want to buy through my link, that’s OK too. I would still choose this protein if I were you because it’s such high quality stuff.

**Nutrition information is based on the protein powder I recommend above.

Buckeye Shake (chocolate and peanut butter)

3.5 scoops low carb chocolate protein powder

6 oz. almond milk

1.5 TBSP peanut butter

1 TBSP raw cocoa powder

1 TBSP cacao nibs (optional)

4 oz. water (more for a thinner shake, less for a thicker shake)

Crushed ice

Blend to desired consistency

Calories: 440

Pro: 56 grams Carbs: 12 grams Fat: 17 grams Fiber: 5 grams

Cashew Cookie Protein Shake

3.5 scoops low carb vanilla protein powder

6 oz. almond milk

1.5 TBSP cashew butter

4 oz. water (more for a thinner shake, less for a thicker shake)

1-5 drops vanilla extract

Crushed ice

Blend to desired consistency

Calories: 430

Pro: 53 grams Carbs: 12 grams Fat: 17 grams Fiber: 2 grams

Mint Chocolate Chip Protein Shake

3.5 scoops low carb chocolate protein powder

*12 oz. mint flavored green tea

1 TSBP raw cocoa powder

1 TBSP cacao nibs (optional)

Crushed ice

Blend to desired consistency

*steep 1-2 mint flavored green teabags in 12 oz. hot water for 2-3 minutes (2 teabags for stronger flavor). If you have time to let it cool, that’s ideal. If not, steep them in 6-8 oz. of water and use extra crushed ice when making your shake.

Calories: 270

Pro: 49 grams Carbs: 7 grams Fat: 3 grams Fiber: 2 grams


By Molly Galbraith C.S.C.S.