I’ve been following a nutritionist for a while by the name of John Kiefer (That is Kiefer in the picture). A while back, he introduced a revolutionary eating plan for strength athletes called Carbohydrate Back Loading.

I became more interested in what he was doing while doing research for the nutrition article I wrote for the May 2012 Muscle and Fitness. Most of the lifters I interviewed had their nutrition plan managed by John, and were setting PRs while losing body fat at an amazing rate.

John has just released a new E-book by the same name and I have read it once, and I am going to read it a few more times to fully understand it. This plan is not for the average gym-goer, it is for those who take their training seriously and lift hard and heavy. It also works. I am always skeptical about new things, especially those not tested for a long time, and not backed by research. This plan is different; it is backed by research and has been tested. There are literally hundreds of studies cited in the book. It has also been tested on some of the best strength athletes in the game today. All with the same results, AWESOME.

So What Is It?

I’ll give you a gross oversimplification of his plan. Basically, you delay or skip breakfast, but consume a shake consisting of very specific ingredients. You do not eat any carbohydrates until after you train, and you must train intensely for it to have maximum effects. There is not a lot of weighing and measuring of foods. You simply eat. What you eat is also very surprising; John wants you to eat a lot of foods that other nutritionists do not recommend (usually, me included).

When reviewing his suggestions I found that what he suggests is very similar to what I suggest that my competitive bodybuilding clients do very close to a show. This made me think for a minute and a light bulb went off. I thought, if the bodybuilders do this right before a show to get shredded and huge, why won’t it work for others? A lot of times I smash my head off a wall because this happens to me frequently in other areas.

I would love to give you all of the details on how this works but it would not be fair to John. He has a book on it and it wouldn’t be right to give away his secrets. I will tell you that I began following it two weeks ago, and at my first body-fat checkup, I lost 3% body fat, and gained a lot of muscle and lost an equal amount of pounds of body fat. As of this writing, I am down 6% body fat in 2 weeks and up 13 pounds of lean body mass (muscle) and down 12 pounds of fat. This is outrageous! I have made no alterations to my training. If I can make this kind of progress at almost 44 years old, what can you do?

When I return form EliteFTS’s LTT Seminar at the end of the month, I will tune things up with John and go 100% hardcore on this plan. The best part is that it is EASY to follow.

To order John’s E-book, visit this site. Do not visit this site if you are not a hard training athlete that wants to be stronger, leaner and bigger. That is not hype. This works.
