Our March 2015 installment of the Moustache Files has Russ interviewing  TPS lifter Carlos Moran.

Moustache Files, -Interview,  Carlos Moran, Raw Unity , Powerlifting, Russ Smith

Carlos has been with us for about 8 years and we have watched him grow from a green newjack to a lifter currently ranked #2 in the world in the 198 division.

Carlos just competed at the Raw Unity Powerlifting Meet (RUM) where he won his class and went 8 for 9.

Russ does a two part interview filled with great information for new lifters, experienced lifters and people who just want to get to know a little more about getting strong and training smart.

Carlos explains how he trains and why he does what he does.

It’s a very good interview and I think you will get something from this to apply to your training right away.

Watch below.

Part 1

Part 2

Watch Carlos Lift!

Wishing you the best in your training,

Russ Smith CFT