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The Moustache Files: Prowler Basics

This month we are going to review the use of one of the single best and most versatile conditioning tools on earth, The Prowler. Prowlers are push sleds that can be used for building massive strength, giving you unstoppable conditioning and performance and making you puke feel pukey afterwards. Catch the Prowler Flu. Watch the

The Moustache Files April 2015-Interview with Nick Cambi and Brittany Diamond

TPS interviews 2015 Arnold Amateur Strongman Competitors Nick Cambi & Brittany Diamond TPS’s favorite t.v. personality, Coach Russ Smith is coming at you this month straight from the state of the art TPS production facility on the 2nd floor with an interview you will not want to miss. Nicki “Catz” Cambi and Brittany “B-Dimez” Diamond

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