Molly is BACK this month! 

Here is the question:

“Hi Molly!

First, thanks so much for doing this! I have a question for you. I hear a lot of confusing information about different supplements. I don’t have a ton of money to spend on them each month, so I want to make sure I just get the ones that I really need. Which supplements do you recommend?” – Katie T.

Hi Katie! Thanks so much for your question! Before I get into what supplements to take, let me clear something up. Supplements are exactly that, a supplement to a proper nutrition and training program.

On their own, supplements — even great ones — will only make a small difference in your overall health and wellness. However, in conjunction with intelligent training, and a sound nutrition program, supplements can be extremely beneficial.

Below are the 4 most important supplements I recommend for overall well-being, and why we recommend them.

1. Vitamin D – Vitamin D, which is not actually a vitamin but a pro-hormone, has gotten a lot of press lately as more and more research confirms its importance. It’s so important in fact, that some Doctors are calling Vitamin D, “the single most cost-effective medical intervention in the United States,” and many of us are deficient in it. Most people should be supplementing with around 4000-8000 IU’s a day, if you don’t get much sun exposure. Keep in mind that it’s important to get your levels tested to prevent Vitamin D toxicity, which is unlikely, but still possible.

2. Fish Oil – You may have heard that you should be taking fish oil for your health, but you may not know why. Fish oil contains Omega-3 fatty acids EPA, DHA, and ALA, all of which have unique health benefits ranging from improving brain function and blood pressure, to improving symptoms of ADHD, bi-polar disorder, and even rheumatoid arthritis. While you can get Omega-3 fatty acids from eating algae, walnuts, flaxseeds, and a variety of fish, most of us still don’t get enough, especially compared to the amount of Omega-6 fatty acids we get. 3-5 grams a day is great for most people.

3. Probiotic – Mmm… bacteria. Yes, bacteria. It may not sound very exciting, but the good bacteria you have in your gut are very important for keeping you healthy, and unfortunately, stress, poor nutrition, and antibiotics all play a role in destroying those good bacteria. But there’s hope! A high quality probiotic can replenish the good bacteria and aid in digestion, improve absorption of certain nutrients, and improve overall immune system function.

4. Digestive Enzyme – Everything from stress to aging to antibiotics to carbonated beverages can wreak havoc on your digestive system. And if you’re not digesting your food well, you’re sure as heck not getting the nutrition you could be getting! Taking a digestive enzyme with each meal can be a good idea, or if you need to replenish your stomach acid, you can take a Betaine Hcl supplement.


By Molly Galbraith C.S.C.S.