The views expressed here are entirely from Russ’s moustache. We don’t know yet if it is an evil moustache or a good one. We do know that it has a mind of its own and it’s AWESOME and not creepy like some moustaches. Read on for some interesting viewpoints.

Gym Challenges

Here at TPS we are constantly challenging each other to complete different feats of strength or endurance. These challenges not only get us stronger but also develop the needed mental toughness to perform on demand. Challenges are limited only by your own creativity and ability. Talk with your training partner(s) and have some fun!

Below is a video of one of the TPS Challenges issued by Ryan Goldstone ( 531 Coach here at TPS ). Simply get a Prowler put one 45lb plate on each side and take it for a ride on the turf for 2 trips down and back, using the high handles in under 60 seconds.

I finished this one at 46 seconds and am not looking forward to doing it again!

If you have never pushed a Prowler before or have limited experience, I suggest you work up to this one. Start with the Prowler by itself, and slowly add weight until you can get the full plate on each side. This is a great finisher to a workout.

Currently the best time is 35 seconds held by both Mike and Eric. Stay safe and have FUN!

Wishing you the best in your training,

Russ Smith C.F.T.

Assistant Strength Coach at TPS

WSB Certified