Fat loss. We talk about it all the time and it is a very popular subject. If you’re looking to get ripped in record time, taking steps to enhance the total amount of fat burned in a training session is important.
Those who do everything they can to enhance their energy expenditure will notice that fat burning moves along much faster without them having to resort poor and unhealthy nutrition practices to try and get the weight off (such as not eating), which is a very ineffective approach in the first place.
What can you do to enhance your fat burn?
Incline Your Treadmill
While I am not a huge fan of using the treadmill, it has its place and is very popular. The first thing you can do to enhance your fat burn is to start inclining your treadmill while walking. If you can use a 20 percent incline and walk at a brisk pace, this can burn just as many calories as running would without the jarring on your joints. This is ideal for overweight people who might find running hard on their joints. Remember, when using any piece of cardio equipment, do not hold the handrails. This severely reduces the effectiveness of the exercise.
What’s more is that this will hit the glutes and hamstrings to a larger extent as well. If you’re looking for a jacked booty (and who isn’t) it’s definitely going to help you out.
Use A Heart Rate Monitor
Another quick tip to help enhance the fat burning affects you see from your workout session is to use a heart rate monitor. Many people often let the intensity of their workout session drop as they get going simply because they aren’t paying as much intension to it and may be distracted by other things such as a magazine or the TV (in most gyms). At TPS we do not have TV’s in the gym because you should be working out and not watching television.
By using a heart rate monitor however, you can keep close tabs on what your heart rate is and make sure that it is within a range that’s ideal for fat burning effects. This goes a long way towards getting you results. Isn’t that why you are training? If you’re aiming to work within a certain heart rate zone, invest in a monitor that beeps when you move out of that zone so that you know exactly when it’s time to kick the intensity up a notch.
Eat With No Distractions
Moving on to the nutrition side of things, one must-do if you want to see superior results is to make sure that you’re eating without any distractions. One of the biggest reasons why some people tend to overeat is simply because they aren’t focusing on their food at meal times.
Instead, they’re reading magazines, watching the TV, or browsing the net. Next thing they know, they’ve downed an entire meal and don’t feel the least big satisfied; or they are STUFFED.
If you want to achieve greater satiety after each meal you eat, start paying attention to the food more. Notice the taste, texture, as well as the pleasure you derive from it. Take your time and eat slowly. This let’s your body tell you it is getting full. Wolfing down food like you are going to the electric chair is not good and not paying attention to eating makes this easy to accomplish.
Drink Up
Finally, last but not least, make sure you’re staying hydrated. As simple as it may seem, drinking your minimum ten glasses of water each day can go a long way towards helping your fat burn as it will help to enhance your metabolic rate so that you burn more calories 24/7.
Those who are dehydrated will not only burn fewer calories, but they may experience hunger as well. Make sure your water is ICE COLD.
So next time you’re struggling with your fat loss journey, keep these quick tips in mind and implement them. Remember, people say knowledge is power, but it is not. Applied knowledge is power. You can know all there is but if you don’t do it, it is for nothing. Now get after it.
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