The 531 Training Group is going strong here at TPS.

531 is a simple strength training system developed by Jim Wendler. This program is focused on developing a person’s strength through a combination of big lifts, specific assistance exercises and conditioning.

Here is how the camp is formatted. All classes are held at 8:30 PM Monday, Wednesday and Friday. On Mondays we focus on the barbell back squat, dead lift. Wednesdays is bench day where we work on bench technique and the appropriate assistance exercises to build a bigger bench press. Fridays we move to the overhead press, pull ups, and dips.

Each day at the camp we finish with torso work and a variety of conditioning exercises using the prowler and dragging sled.

Anyone looking to increase their strength while reinforcing rock solid technique in these lifts will benefit. With the 531 system you will be always training with weights that you can handle with proper form, this will allow you to systematically build your squat, dead lift, bench and overhead press.

We already have many campers who are safely performing multiple reps with their previous max weights is just a few short months! If you are looking for a breakthrough in one or more of these lifts this could be the camp for you. The 531 system is a no nonsense approach that will get you strong.

If you have any questions about this camp feel free to email me at . I look forward to meeting you!

Wishing you the best in your training,

Russ Smith C.F.T.

Assistant Strength Coach at TPS

WSB Certified