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Dietary Fat Basics

Fat is not your enemy! This is the third in a three-part series on basic nutrition. In this article we will discuss fat. Fat is an essential part of your diet but was made out to be evil and avoided at all costs by the mainstream media a few years ago. Thankfully this has passed.

Protein for Dummies

    The three basic food categories are carbohydrate, fat and protein. In the Protein for Dummies guide we will cover protein.   What is protein? Protein is what our body uses to build lean tissue, or muscle. Here are a few things that we know about protein: protein is the most difficult of all

Tuna on the Go

Tuna - easy, quick and full of protein. I was reading about this the other day in the Nutrition Action Newsletter and I though I would share it with you own my own words. (I always give credit when I use other work.) We live in an "on the go " society and people often

Good Protein Choices

As you should know by now, to make optimal progress in your fitness plan, nutrition is a key component. When it comes to losing the most body fat and gaining the most muscle, one nutrient stands out as being the cornerstone of your nutrition plan: protein. Protein is essential to making gains for a few

Protein Basics

Over the next three months I'll explain the three basic food categories and give you a better understanding of them. The three basic food categories are carbohydrate, fat and protein. Up first this month is protein. What is protein? Protein is what our body uses to build lean tissue, or muscle. Here are a few

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