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How to Cycle Off of a Low Carb Diet

OK, so I have been trying to write this article for about 6 months but with the 8 billion emails and phone calls I get daily, finding the time has been tough. As it is now, I am writing this in a few different sittings so I will try and deliver this as a coherent

Four Healthy Fats To Add Into Your Diet

Nutrition Corner August 2014:  Four Healthy Fats To Add Into Your Diet I hate the word diet, but if I say meal plan, people seem to get confused. I hate "diet" because it has such a negative connotation.  As you go about your meal plan, one thing you must make sure you’re doing is adding

Nutrition Corner-July 2014-It’s about the Children

I have wanted to write about this for a while and now, the time is right. I’ve written many times on this in the past and will again in the future: kids and nutrition. Juvenile obesity is an epidemic in our country and it is almost totally preventable. Look around at the kids at your

Fat Basics

Fat is not your enemy! This is the third in a three-part series on basic nutrition. In this article we will discuss fat. Fat is an essential part of your diet but was made out to be evil and avoided at all costs by the mainstream media a few years ago. Thankfully this has passed.

Protein Basics

Over the next three months I'll explain the three basic food categories and give you a better understanding of them. The three basic food categories are carbohydrate, fat and protein. Up first this month is protein. What is protein? Protein is what our body uses to build lean tissue, or muscle. Here are a few

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