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How to Put Serious Size on Your Forearms

This is a guest post by "Napalm" Jedd Johnson of the Diesel Crew. He is obsessed with Grip Strength and wants to spread his sickness to everyone else in the world of strength training. Join his Legion of Grip at The Grip Authority, today! If you are walking around with a big chest, shoulders, bi’s and tri’s

Plate Pinching

The DIesel Injection: Plate Pinching for Massive Thumb Strength This is a guest post by "Napalm" Jedd Johnson of the Diesel Crew. He is obsessed with Grip Strength and wants to spread his sickness to everyone else in the world of strength training. Join his Legion of Grip at The Grip Authority, today! If you want to

You cheap bastards

Grip Strength for Cheap Bastards So, it's been about a year since I started writing for Murph and I have put out a ton of information related to Grip Training. I hope that by now you understand that Grip Strength, that is the collective strength in the lower arms from the elbows down to the

Basic Training

This is a guest post by Jedd Johnson, from the Diesel Crew. Jedd’s passion is Grip training, he readily competes in grip strength contests, and has produced multiple resources on buildingworld class hand strength. He is THE Grip Authority. Squat, Bench, Deadlift, Muscle-ups, Snatch, Clean, Jerk, Curls, Ropes, Pull-ups, Push-downs, Climbing. What is the common thread between all

Grip Conditioning

Train Your Grip and Get Conditioned Too This is a guest post by Jedd Johnson, from the Diesel Crew. Jedd’s passion is Grip training, he readily competes in grip strength contests, and has produced multiple resources on building world class hand strength. He is THE Grip Authority. When most people think of Grip Training, they do not associate it

Kettlebell Grip

Tough Kettlebell Grip Shit This is a guest post by Jedd Johnson, from the Diesel Crew. Jedd’s passion is Grip training, he readily competes in grip strength contests, and has produced multiple resources on building world class hand strength. He is THE Grip Authority. I’ve said for years that Grip Training is one of the most important types of training

Nail Bending

Five Reasons to Start Bending Nails Hi, my name is Jedd Johnson. I am a CSCS through the NSCA, an RKC through Dragondoor, and am co-founder of Our website is dedicated to exploring the development of strength and conditioning for all athletes in all sports. Over the years, my favorite facet of strength training

The Plank Pinch

The Plank Pinch for Scary Thumb Strength by Grip Strength Expert, Jedd Johnson, from the Diesel Crew. Jedd loves all forms of training and has written many articles about strength and conditioning. Check out his site, for more innovative training ideas. With the Halloween season here, it is time to build a piece of wicked equipment that we

The Reeves Deadlift

A Grip Lift You Never Knew Existed – The Reeves Deadlift Grip training is very important if you want to reach your total performance potential, whether you are a competitive athlete, rock climber, law enforcement officer, or other individual whose job, sport, or pastime requires strong hands. An easy way to include Grip Training in

Gripper Training

The Crushing Addiction – Gripper Training   This is a guest post by Jedd Johnson, from the Diesel Crew. Jedd’s passion is Grip training, he readily competes in grip strength contests, and has produced multiple resources on building world class hand strength. He is THE Grip Authority. In Grip Training, Crushing is the act of closing the fingers into

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