This month I am giving you Phase 2 of the Neck No More program. Enjoy!
Don’t be this guy!
Day: 13 / 16 / 19 / 22
1. Sumo Stance Deadlift 4 x 3 / 3 x 3 / 3 x 1 / 2 x 3
The sumo deadlift will be performed in the same manner as the deadlift in Phase 1.
2. Foot-Elevated Split Squat 4 x 6 / 5 x 6 / 4 x 8 / 5 x 8
Load this using DBs in each hand. Choose weights in the same manner as the reverse lunge in Phase one.
2b. Straight-Leg Sit-Up 4 x 10 / 5 x 10 / 4 x 12 / 5 x 12
Hold a plate overhead and keep the legs open in a “V.” People hate on sit-ups, but the straight-leg sit-up is a great movement to work the hip flexors while minimizing flexion of the lower back (lumbar spine).
3. 3a. Single-Leg Supine Hip Extension Leg Curl (SHELC) 4 x 6e / 5 x 6 e / 4 x 8e / 5 x 8e
Be this guy.
i. Note: Sub In Glute Ham Raise (middle to high foot setting) If Available @ 4 x 8 / 5 x 8 / 4 x 10 / 5 x 10
This is a basic progression from the SHELC performed with two legs. If using the GHR, make sure to change the foot setting to a mid / high setting to alter the movement slightly.
3b. Kneeling Scarecrow 4 x 10 / 5 x 10 / 4 x 12 / 5 x 12
This has also been called a cable reverse fly. Perform this kneeling with glutes engaged and the rib cage down so as to not garner extra help from the rest of the body. Keep the elbows just shy of fully extended and don’t turn it into a reverse fly tricep extension.
4. Heavy KB / DB Swing 12 on the Minute For 10m / 12m / 13m / 14m
Same as Phase 1 but performing 12 rather than 10 swings on the minute. Enjoy!
Day: 14 / 17 / 20 / 23
1. Weighted Neutral Grip Pull-Ups 4 x 4 / 3 x 4 / 5 x 4 / 2 x 4
Same as Phase 1, attempt to add weight. If you’re still working on total reps, continue mission.
2a. Slight Incline Alternating DB Press 4 x 6e / 5 x 6e / 4 x 8e / 5 x 8e
Use the same weight (or more) for these that you had in Phase 1. The obvious difference is that you will only move one DB at a time creating longer time under tension and an indirect torso stability aspect.
2b. Barbell Row 4 x 6 / 5 x 6 / 4 x 8 / 5 x 8
I recommend you start these from the ground by performing a deadlift and then bringing the bar down to just past the kneecap, to set yourself in a good position. Go heavy with these, even if there is slight body English taking place. Use the weight in the 6-repetition weeks into the 8-repetition weeks.
3a. Feet-Elevated Push-Ups (Use Band To Load as Necessary) 4 x 10/ 5 x 10 / 4 x 12 / 5 x 12
Loading the push-up is an underrated training tool. Use a band to add resistance; here is a video I made to teach you how.
If you can’t perform these as written, start with basic push-ups from the floor and work to elevating the hands. If you can’t perform 10 bodyweight push-ups, attack this like the pull-ups, in a total rep fashion (40/50/48/60).
3b. Half Kneeling Facepull To External Rotation 4 x 8 / 5 x 8 / 4 x 10 / 5 x 10
This is performed similarly to the facepull of Phase 1. You will need to lower the weight in order to move into external rotation after the initial facepull. This is a nice upper back exercise as well as a solid choice to keep your shoulders healthy.
4. Suitcase Farmer’s Carry 30yds Each Side 3 trips / 4 trips / 5 trips / 6 trips
More loaded carries! The suitcase carry is a dynamic movement that trains torso stability. You will not be able to use as much weight in one hand as you had in each hand with the farmer’s carry. The limiting factor will be how much weight you can use without excessive bending of the torso, not grip strength.
Day 15 / 18 / 21 / 24
1. Front Squat 4 x 3 / 3 x 3 / 5 x 3 / 2 x 3
The front squat is to be performed with the same loading protocol as the basic squat. The front squat is more than a lower body builder. Due to the load being in front your upper back and abs will be working double time.
2. Overhead Press 4 x 3 / 3 x 3 / 5 x 3 / 2 x 3
Same as Phase 1, attempt to add weight to the bar. Don’t miss lifts!
3a. Snatch-Grip Rack Pull 4 x 3 / 5 x 3 / 4 x 5 / 5 x 5
The snatch-grip rack pull is used to tax the upper back a bit harder than the conventional deadlift grip. The arms are out wider and it increases the demand, helping build that massive top shelf. You can use straps to up the weight and avoid grip failure. The bar placement should be just below the knee.
3b. Standing Belly Press 10 second Iso Hold 3 x 3 / 4 x 3 / 3 x 4 / 4 x 4
Same as Phase 1; you will now progress to standing.
4a. Inverted Rows (Towel Grips) 4 x 8 / 5 x 8 / 4 x 10 / 5 x 10
Use two small towels or t-shirts as grips to place more demand on the forearms and hands. Progress the exercise in the same fashion as Phase 1; elevate feet, add holds.
4b. 45 Degree Back Raises With “Y” Raise 4 x 8 / 5 x 8 / 4 x 10 / 5 x 10
This makes the back raise a bit more challenging as the leverages change and the resistance moves farther from the hips (fulcrum). Additionally, it adds additional volume to the upper back.
5. FREE TIME 15 minutes (Think Beach Muscles)
Make em’ pop… again, however you want.
copyright 2012
Greg Robins
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