At TPS we buy lots of stuff and collars are one of the most frustrating items that we buy. They never fit right or they don’t last long and they don’t really hold weight securely to the bars. This is especially true for specialty bars, like the Safety Squat Bar, Farmer’s Walk handles and Strongman logs.
It seems that no matter what we buy, they just don’t work unless they are $65.00 Ivanko collars. We have given up on the really expensive ones because of cost. The seem to walk out of the gym when we put them on the floor. Even the good ones, like Ivanko, don’t last. We have broken them quite few times.
I was hunting around on looking for new stuff and I saw the Proloc Collars. They were cheap enough and appeared to be good quality, so I called Matt and said to ship a few to me.
They arrived quickly, as stuff from Elite always does, and I was pretty surprised when we got them. I fully intended to believe that they would not work, just like everything else. I started testing them out with specialty bars. They held the weights on well.
I then decided to try them out on some Farmer’s Walks. Anyone who does Farmer’s Walks knows full well that you need to constantly tighten the collars and also that you need to be terrified that they will fail, causing 300 pounds to fall off of the bar in mid-stride.
Well, let me tell you, they did not fail. They held like vises. I was blown away. For the first time ever, we had a set of collars that didn’t fall off. We then tried them on logs. Same thing there, they held. Gone are the days of using clamps from Home Depot or worrying about weights falling off the bars. The Proloc Collars collars saved the day. These collars are ideal for Strongman, Olympic Weightlifting, Powerlifitng and any exercise that you would do with a barbell.
We will get more Proloc Collars at TPS and continue to abuse them daily with no fear of failure. I highly recommend them to you.
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