Over the last year, I have competed in 4 meets: 3 full power and one Push/Pull. This was my first year as a competitive AM multi-ply power lifter.
In summary:
At my first meet, I hit a 600 Squat, 405 Bench, and a 550 Deadlift. This was at the June 2011 RPS Europa.
At my second meet with RPS in Oct 2011, I opened my squat at 600 and bombed. Gene Rychlak let me re- enter in the bench-only division and I hit a 455lb bench for a PR!
My third meet was in RI in March of 2012 with RPS; there I squatted 680, benched 425, and pulled 565. These were all full meet PRs at 269lb bodyweight.
A few weeks ago I entered the push-pull division at the 2012 RPS Europa and benched 480 and hit a 610 Deadlift at 269 bodyweight.
These numbers are not amazing, yet over the past year my knowledge as a lifter has increased dramatically due to participating in these events. I have a lot more to learn.
One of the most important factors of my success has been talking to lifters who are stronger than me. I have traveled to Ohio twice, once to Westside Barbell and once to Elitefts. Took a trip to Skiba’s Barbell in Carteret, NJ, where I learned ONE THING that put 50lbs on my squat instantly (thanks Henri), and trained at Strength and Health in R.I. with Andy Vale who is the owner and a 1000lb squatter.
All of these trips were self- funded on a very limited budget.
If you want to succeed at what you do physically, whether it is in power lifting, or any other aspect of strength or conditioning, you must seek knowledge from those who know and are doing more than you.
I am grateful to be surrounded by some of the best team mates on a daily basis. People such as Murph, Jane, Steve, Carlos, Lauren, Eric, PJ, Steve A, Jamie, Greg, Mike, Rich, Frankie, Candace, Devin, and many more have helped. Without these people, my lifts would not have progressed to where they are now.
Finding a strong team to work with is essential for your success. TPS is here for you! We want you to succeed! Come to a training day, Strongman Saturday, or attend one of our free classes. Talk to the instructors about your goals. We can help.
Wishing you the best in your training,
Russ Smith CFT
W.S.B. Certified
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