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Intermediate/Advanced Raw Powerlifting Meet Prep Block

Welcome to the Intermediate/Advanced Raw Meet Prep Block. This is a 16 week block with your meet occurring on Week 3 of Block 2B. That is 15 weeks into the entire block. For best results on when to begin this, either check YOUR calendar, or post a question in the Powerlifting Forum. You will see

Christmas/New Year’s Training/Vacation

TPS Method TFL Block 10 is set up to allow for time for more important things like time with the family during holidays. Overall the program is lighter to accommodate for the extra stress of the holiday season with the easier weeks occurring on week 4 of 10A and Week 1 of 10B Squat

The Everything but the Kitchen Sink Block

Welcome to Block 9 & 10! We have sixteen weeks of training here to whip you into shape and get strong all while getting leaner. This block has everything you need for total fitness. We start you out with a heavy dose of AMRAP circuits that include a main lift and are guaranteed to get

Accumulation Block 1B

Welcome to Multi Ply powerlifting. Four more weeks of WORK designed to build your raw strength, and skill in your equipment. This is not a meet prep cycle. Your equipment use is listed in the top column each day. See graphic for chain usage. Notes for Single Ply lifters: You can use all of the

Accumulation Block 1A

Welcome to Multi Ply powerlifting. This block and the one that follows are 8 weeks of hard work designed to build your raw strength and skill in your equipment. Please watch the Box Squat Course in order to learn how to do it properly. This is not a meet prep cycle. Your equipment use is

Block 7B: Getting Started

Block 7B continues where 7A left off, with a healthy dose of volume and a huge focus on hitting a huge Press and deadlift. We have a Re-load period here with some heavier weights too! We’ve also got lots of fun and effective kettlebell work for you here to keep it interesting.

Block 7A: Getting Started

Block 7A is coming at you hard with a healthy dose of volume and a huge focus on hitting a huge squat and deadlift. We’ve also got lots of fun and effective kettlebell work for you here to keep it interesting.

Block 6A: Getting Started

TPS Method TFL Block 6A is a tough one. It is heavy on the volume in the first few weeks, and then you will realize the strength you built in Week 3. It is also simple, and condensed with minimal main exercises and a nice dose of circuit training to keep you in shape while

Block 7B: Getting Started

Here go with Block 7B and we are getting set to enter the final stages of meet prep in Block 8! Remember, your met is in Week 11 of Block 8B so adjust your calendars accordingly. This block has a few pieces of equipment that you may not have, and it is ok to substitute

Block 6A: Getting Started

Welcome to Block 6. It is loaded with VOLUME! This Block picks up after Block 5, and is leading into meet prep as we progress along. It is the perfect off-season block. Block 5, 6, and 7 prepare you for the final 12-week prep* in Block 8. Work hard, respect the RPE and reap the

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