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TFL Block 54: Strong & Swole Block 2A

Here we go! This block brings all of the work of the past two into a culmination of the Strong and Swole you build over the last 16 weeks. We will test new maxes again in the Squat, Press and Deadlift. And, we have got you covered as we go into he holiday season with

TFL Block 53: Strong & Swole Block 1B

Begin September 13, 2021 In this block we will use some different techniques on your main lifts to boost your metabolism and spur some muscle growth and strength. You’ll see set some days where we do not use an RPE and simply list the % and go for as many reps as possible. (AMAP) Work

TFL Block 52: Strong & Swole

Begin Begin July 26, 2021 In this block we will use some different techniques on your main lifts to boost your metabolism and spur some muscle growth and strength. You’ll see set some days where we do not use an RPE and simply list the % and go for as many reps as possible. (AMAP)

Big Total Block 1B

Begin April 5, 2021 Welcome to the Big Total Training Block 1B! As in the last block, we are heavily focused on bringing up the Hamstrings, lats, and triceps in this block which will help you to build a bigger total! We have added in some extra work for you to do as part of

Powerlifting 2021 Big Total Block

Begin February 8, 2021 Welcome to the Big Total Training Block! We are heavily focused on bringing up the Hamstrings, lats, and triceps in this block which will help you to build a bigger total! We have added in some extra work for you to do as part of your warm up. We urge you

TFL Block 49

Begin February 8, 2021 Block 49 is designed to boost your Press and Deadlift while keeping you in great shape. We’ve got some outstanding off day sessions as well that will increase lean body mass (muscle) and we strongly suggest that you do: 1 off day bodybuilding session and 1 conditioning session on the same

TPS Squat Wave

Welcome to the next phase of your training! This new training block contains the famous TPS 12/15/20 Squat Wave. This wave has been used by Powerlifters and Strongman athletes for decades with great success. It will have you doing high rep breathing squats as your primary exercise. High rep breathing squats build strength, muscle mass

Coronavirus At Home Block 2

This training block picks up where Block 1 left off. Sadly, we are still locked out from gyms all over the country. You can still make progress at home using this! It will be centered around barbell movements to accommodate for those who don’t have as much equipment at home that you would normally have

Post Covid Lockdown Block

Programming in this block will be a little different than the usual. We will use an RPE scale that is unlike our others. When returning from an extended layoff from strength training it is crucial that you take your time and allow your body to adapt all over again to the training stimulus and requirements.

Coronavirus At Home Block

This training block is designed to get you through the Corona Virus pandemic if you have home gym access. It will be centered around barbell movements to accommodate for those who don’t have as much equipment that you would normally have access to. When you choose Accessory work, if you have more equipment than a

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