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Simple, not easy – Proper Warmup

The 3 Most Important Things to Address in Your Warm-Up Nobody really likes to “warm up.” However, a good warm-up will keep you healthy and prepare you for intense activity. There are a number of important factors in developing a sound warm-up. The following are three areas that I have found to have the greatest


How to Make a Really Weak Gripper Worth Your While  This is a guest post from Jedd Johnson. Jedd is a strength coach and confessed grip-aholic. He enjoys nothing better than lifting weird stuff, bending, tearing and breaking stuff, and teaching others how to do what he does. Join him today at The Grip Authority and start

Simple not easy – Which Direction are you moving in?

  Which direction are you moving in?  You have career goals, are you moving towards them? You have training and physique goals, are you moving towards them? Progress: –noun 1. a movement toward a goal or to a further or higher stage. 2. developmental activity in science, technology, etc., esp. with reference to the commercial opportunities

The Women’s Grip Training Primer

This is a guest post by Jedd Johnson of the Diesel Crew. Jedd is a Certified Strength Coach (CSCS) and Kettlebell Instructor (RKC). Jedd also specializes in grip strength training and readily competes in Grip Strength competitions all over the country, holding the world record in the Two Hands Pinch. For more information on Grip Training, check

Product Review: Proloc Collars

At TPS we buy lots of stuff and collars are one of the most frustrating items that we buy. They never fit right or they don't last long and they don't really hold weight securely to the bars. This is especially true for specialty bars, like the Safety Squat Bar, Farmer's Walk handles and Strongman

Simple, Not Easy – You wanna be big?

So You Want To Get Big...  So you want to get big? I mean who doesn't? Frankly I am sick of the new image of a "man" in society. Skinny jeans, boys’ medium t-shirts, the list goes on. It drives me nuts. Listen, whether you want to fill out your t-shirt or get hyooooge, you

Different Types of Grip Strength

The Different Types of Grip Strength and Exercises This is a guest post by "Napalm" Jedd Johnson of the Diesel Crew. He is obsessed with Grip Strength and wants to spread his sickness to everyone else in the world of strength training. Join his Legion of Grip at The Grip Authority, today! Grip strength is very important for

7 reasons to Bend Horseshoes

7 Reasons to Start Bending Horseshoes This is a guest article by Jedd Johnson of the Diesel Crew. Jedd recently teamed up with Mike Rinderle on the Hammering Horseshoes DVD. For more information, visit their horseshoe bending website and learn how to bend horseshoes today. Horseshoe Bending may sound impossible, but indeed, people all over the world are doing it. From

How to Put Serious Size on Your Forearms

This is a guest post by "Napalm" Jedd Johnson of the Diesel Crew. He is obsessed with Grip Strength and wants to spread his sickness to everyone else in the world of strength training. Join his Legion of Grip at The Grip Authority, today! If you are walking around with a big chest, shoulders, bi’s and tri’s

Hydration & Dehydration

Hydration is simply replacing fluids lost through sweating. When you exercise you sweat. As you sweat you lose fluid. You must drink an adequate amount of fluid to keep your body functioning properly, never mind optimally. I'll discuss how much and what kind a little later in this article. Dehydration is a whole 'nother thing,

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