The 6th Learn to Train Seminar was held last month, and is hosted by Dave Tate (CEO) of EliteFts. If you don’t know about this company log on to their web site and check them out ( ). They have some of the best info on strength training in the industry; from free articles, the best Q&A section, Exercise index and more. If you have a training or nutrition question log on to their Q&A and post a question to our very own C.J. Murphy – owner of TPS, he is on the board.

The Learn to Train Seminar is held at the Elitefts headquarters in London, Ohio. The LTT is a two day event where day one is in seminar format and day two is hands on training covering the squat, bench and deadlift for the participants. During the morning of the second day and on day 3 EFS hosts the legendary UGSS (Underground Strength Sessions ) where the sponsored athletes and event staff get to train together. This was my third visit to a Learn to Train Seminar and my second time coaching.

All proceeds from the Learn to Train Seminar go the Make a Wish Foundation. This event granted at least four wishes which averaging six thousand dollars each!

Every time I go to an LTT, I am reminded of how much more there is to learn, how much stronger I can become and how much tighter I can get with my technique. I need improvement in all of these attributes. I can say that on this trip I returned to the Elite compound Strong(er) than the last time. These events are both humbling and inspiring.

Day 1 was the seminar day and it was held in the Marriott Hotel. Speakers included:

Buddy Morris

Julia Ledewski

“Mountain Dog” John Meadows

Matt Kroc

Fred Duncan


Gabriel Naspinski.

Subjects ranged from nutrition, training science, programming and mental toughness. Each speaker brought their “A” game and made it very worthwhile. Dave Tate closed the day out with an inspiring talk about the Elitefts Mission Statement which is to Live, Learn and Pass On.

Day 2 was the hands on training at the Elite Compound. Here we got down to business and got the participants under the bar. Many of our group members hit PR’s and got their technical questions answered. I was lucky enough to be coaching alongside with Jeremy Frey, Steve Goggins, JL Holdsworth, and Ted Toalston. This in itself was very surreal. You bet I listened a lot, yet was able to add value throughout the day as well.

If you ever get a chance to attend a Learn to Train event I would highly recommend it. The Learn to Train Seminar is for a great cause (Make-A-Wish Foundation). The value is amazing and the experience will stay with you for a lifetime. Many of the attendees have been to more than one!

In the end it’s the people who attend that make up events like this.

Here is some video from the UGSS. I worked up to 695 on the squat and 505 on the Bench.

Till next month,

Wishing you the best in your training,

Russ Smith C.F.T.

WSBB Certified