Respect Your Gym
TPS is your gym. We are not in business to cater to your ego. We are in business to deliver a training environment that includes equipment, coaching, and services that will help you achieve your fitness goals. As a coach at TPS I spend A LOT of time here. Furthermore, as a coach I can’t help but watch everyone on the floor train. As a lifter, I consider everyone at TPS my training partner in some capacity. I know as a coach, and as your training partner I do all that I can to help my peers succeed. All too often I feel that others are not holding up their end of the bargain. Therefore, I have developed a creed for my fellow brothers and sisters that we should live by as members of this gym.
Are you on board with this?!
– I am committed to learning proper form in all of my lifts, and taking the time to correct both my body’s and my own bad habits.
– I am willing and able to train within a group of my peers. I will offer positive encouragement and constructive criticism.
– I will stay accountable to my training group and to myself.
– I will execute discipline, acknowledging this as the defining characteristic between those who accomplish their goals, and those who come up short.
– I will work as hard as I can in a challenging but motivating environment. I will always give 100%.
– I will no longer make excuses or place false blame, but rather, take responsibility for where I am today. I will continue to get stronger each and every day.
– I am dedicated to my long term success. I understand that solid results are not the product of flashy workouts, expensive supplements, or short term diets and workout programs.
– I will respect my gym, although I am one of many members I will treat the gym as if it was my own.
– I will respect the members of my gym, and its staff, by keeping my gym clean, racking my weights, and conducting myself in a professional manner.
Is this so hard to live by? If you want to see results, and be a member that others respect you need to embody these characteristics.
Here’s to getting stronger, physically and mentally. Train hard and stay focused. I hope to see you all doing your part, and if you have any questions on training please don’t hesitate to ask me.
Greg Robins
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