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Preventing ACL Tears

Can We Prevent ACL Tears? Yes, I Think We Can!! There he goes, sprinting down the field. The ball is passed to him, and cuts left to go get it--POP! Oh no, his right knee just buckled out from under him. He is obviously in tremendous pain. The medical staff is going out to check

Training for Law Enforcement, Corrections, & Security Personnel

Law Enforcement and Corrections Personnel (and other related professions) are confronted with many physical challenges while on the job. They have cardiovascular demands that can arise suddenly and before they know it they have to pursue a perpetrator on foot. As if that isn’t tough enough, they have to do so while wearing heavy boots

Gripper Drop sets

This is a guest post by Jedd Johnson of the Diesel Crew. With nearly 15 years in Strength and Conditioning, he has tried all forms of strength training and fitness, but is most passionate about grip training. For the best grip training instruction on the internet, join him  One of the great things about

Forearm Pain

My Forearm Pain Story: How I Got It, Fixed It, and Why I Want to Help Others This is a guest post by Jedd Johnson, Grip Strength Specialist. Jedd loves all forms of strength, especially Grip Strength, and readily competes in Grip Contests around the nation. Jedd recently published Fixing Forearm Pain, Medial and Lateral Elbow

Gripped Hierarchy

Have you wondered: What is the hardest gripper? Where do my grippers lie? What grippers can I get to bridge the gap between what I am closing now and my goal gripper? Questions such as these are why you have to join THE GRIPBOARD. Everything regarding Grip Strength has been discussed. If there is something

Card Tearing

I have helped many people tear decks of cards, both in person and through my Card Tearing eBook. When I help people in person, I often see the same error repeated time after time. The hardest thing about tearing cards is getting the tear started. Once that is done, finishing the tear should be easy. A


How to Make a Really Weak Gripper Worth Your While  This is a guest post from Jedd Johnson. Jedd is a strength coach and confessed grip-aholic. He enjoys nothing better than lifting weird stuff, bending, tearing and breaking stuff, and teaching others how to do what he does. Join him today at The Grip Authority and start

The Women’s Grip Training Primer

This is a guest post by Jedd Johnson of the Diesel Crew. Jedd is a Certified Strength Coach (CSCS) and Kettlebell Instructor (RKC). Jedd also specializes in grip strength training and readily competes in Grip Strength competitions all over the country, holding the world record in the Two Hands Pinch. For more information on Grip Training, check

Different Types of Grip Strength

The Different Types of Grip Strength and Exercises This is a guest post by "Napalm" Jedd Johnson of the Diesel Crew. He is obsessed with Grip Strength and wants to spread his sickness to everyone else in the world of strength training. Join his Legion of Grip at The Grip Authority, today! Grip strength is very important for

7 reasons to Bend Horseshoes

7 Reasons to Start Bending Horseshoes This is a guest article by Jedd Johnson of the Diesel Crew. Jedd recently teamed up with Mike Rinderle on the Hammering Horseshoes DVD. For more information, visit their horseshoe bending website and learn how to bend horseshoes today. Horseshoe Bending may sound impossible, but indeed, people all over the world are doing it. From

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