Membership Level change

You have selected the TPS Gym Members (Annual) membership level.

Thanks for purchasing an annual Basic membership to TPSMethod.

Your membership is for the basic level only and does not include any future, higher levels of membership.

Your membership will renew annually in perpetuity.

Your TPS member price is for as long as you are a TPS Gym member. If you cancel your gym membership, your membership reverts to the full price Basic membership.

Thanks for joining, see you in the Forum.



The TPS Method Team

The price for membership is $199.00 per Year.

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Payment Information We accept all major credit cards Waiver and Release of All Claims

DATE: 7th September 2024 TO: Performance Sports LLC (the "Sponsor") RE: Membership/participation in training programs (the "Activity") IN CONSIDERATION OF being permitted to participate in the Activity, the undersigned, on behalf of myself and my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, hereby: Release and forever discharge the Sponsor and its employees, members, managers, officers, directors, shareholders, affiliates, agents, representatives, and any other person or persons, sponsors, associates, and business entities associated with this activity, their heirs, successors and assigns (collectively the “Releasees”) of and from all claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses, actions and causes of action (collectively the “Claims”) in respect of death, injury, loss or damage to myself or property howsoever caused, arising or to arise by reason of or during my participation and/or involvement in the Activity, and notwithstanding that any Claim may have been contributed to or occasioned by the negligence of any of the Releasees. 1. Indemnify and save harmless the Releasees from and against any and all liability incurred by any or all of them arising as a result of or in any way connected to my participation in the Activity. 2. Understands and acknowledges that the Sponsor does not carry or maintain health, medical or disability insurance coverage for the undersigned and therefore the undersigned Participant agrees to assume responsibility for such insurance coverage. 3. Agrees that in the event that any provision of this Release and Indemnity is held to be invalid or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, the invalidity or unenforceability of such provision will not affect the remaining provisions of this Release and Indemnity which shall continue to be enforceable. 4. I CLEARLY UNDERSTAND THAT MY PARTICIPATION IN THE ACTIVITY HAS A RISK OF INJURY. I HAVE READ, AND UNDERSTAND, AND AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE RULES ASSOCIATED WITH THE ACTIVITY AND ASSUME ALL RESPOSIBILITY, AND ANY ASSOCIATED INJURY. I AM FULLY AWARE OF MY MEDICAL CONDITION, AND HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I AM PHYSICALLY FIT, AND MENTALLY FIT TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY ACTIVITY AT TPSMETHOD.COM/TOTAL PERFORMANCE SPORTS LLC. LASTLY, I HEREBY WAIVE ANY COMPENSATION WHATSOEVER FOR THE USE OF MY PICTURES, MEDIA COVERAGE, STATEMENTS, INTERVIEWS, ETC., UTILIZED BY THOSE PRODUCING OR DIRECTING ANY MEDIA/EVENT AT ANY TIME. FAILURE TO PAY STRICT ATTENTION TO THE RULES WILL BE CAUSE FOR MY IMMEDIATE DISMISSAL WITH NO RECOURSE ON MY PART. I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE READING, UNDERSTANDING, AND AGREEING WITH THE FOREGOING. By checking "I agree to the Terms of Service" below, I am e-signing, and agreeing to the terms and conditions.