Earn 4 CEU Credits

This course was originally created as a VHS two tape series years ago!

We apologize for the grainy video and audio, but it was filmed using the best technology of the day, which was nowhere near as good as today!

We added this to the site for two reasons:

  1. The Content: It is still relevant and excellent!
  2. History: TPS has been coaching Strongman for decades! We wanted you to share in our history.

This course covers:

  • Tire Flip
  • Atlas Stones
  • Super Yoke
  • All types of Sled work
  • Farmers Walk
  • Assistance Work for all events

It also contains footage of the crew training with Murph’s good friend 2001 World’s Strongest Man Svend “The Viking” Karlsen.

We hope that you like it as much as we liked making it.