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TFL Block 55: Strong & Swole Block 2B

The continuation of the Strong & Swole Block goes on and you must be getting Stronger and Swoler. We have repeated a few of the conditioning sessions that were in the last few blocks here. Look back at your Training Journal and beat your best work on this round.

TFL Block 54: Strong & Swole Block 2A

Here we go! This block brings all of the work of the past two into a culmination of the Strong and Swole you build over the last 16 weeks. We will test new maxes again in the Squat, Press and Deadlift. And, we have got you covered as we go into he holiday season with

TFL Block 53: Strong & Swole Block 1B

Begin September 13, 2021 In this block we will use some different techniques on your main lifts to boost your metabolism and spur some muscle growth and strength. You’ll see set some days where we do not use an RPE and simply list the % and go for as many reps as possible. (AMAP) Work

TFL Block 52: Strong & Swole

Begin Begin July 26, 2021 In this block we will use some different techniques on your main lifts to boost your metabolism and spur some muscle growth and strength. You’ll see set some days where we do not use an RPE and simply list the % and go for as many reps as possible. (AMAP)

TFL Block 51

Begin Begin May 31, 2021 This is the final block in the Boost your press and Deadlift block series. We’ve got a few dates set to test new PR’s if you feel STRONG! And we’ve added in a lot of Met Con AMAP rounds to get you in shape. Check out the extra Bodybuilding sessions

Strongman Training Part 1

This is the first product TPS ever released and it was a LONG time ago! We produced a two part VHS video tape series on how to perform Strongman events, and as far as we know, we were the first to do it!   Even though the content is old, it is still relevant so

Strongman Training Part 2

This is the first product TPS ever released and it was a LONG time ago! We produced a two part VHS video tape series on how to perform Strongman events, and as far as we know, we were the first to do it!   Even though the content is old, it is still relevant so

Strongman Training Part 3

This is the first product TPS ever released and it was a LONG time ago! We produced a two part VHS video tape series on how to perform Strongman events, and as far as we know, we were the first to do it!   Even though the content is old, it is still relevant so

Strongman Training Part 4

This is the first product TPS ever released and it was a LONG time ago! We produced a two part VHS video tape series on how to perform Strongman events, and as far as we know, we were the first to do it!   Even though the content is old, it is still relevant so

Block 3B: Getting Started

TPS Method for Powerlifting Block 3B leads you from the volume accrued in Block 3A into some high-intensity training. This is where you get to lift heavier for less reps, and we all love that right? There is a little Strongman in there too, so you can build some true functional strength that carries over

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