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TFL Block 51

Begin Begin May 31, 2021 This is the final block in the Boost your press and Deadlift block series. We’ve got a few dates set to test new PR’s if you feel STRONG! And we’ve added in a lot of Met Con AMAP rounds to get you in shape. Check out the extra Bodybuilding sessions

TFL Block 50

Begin April 5, 2021 Block 50 is designed to get you stronger in the Squat and Deadlift while maintaining your press. We’ve got some awesome bodybuilding sessions to for extra workouts! Oh, and the conditioning sessions have been upgraded to get you in unbelievable shape! Be ready for anything life throws at you.

How To Box Squat

Oh, the Box Squat, how I love it. You should too. It's not just for equipped lifters! Learn the difference between a free squat and a box squat here.

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