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Block 7B: Getting Started

Block 7B continues where 7A left off, with a healthy dose of volume and a huge focus on hitting a huge Press and deadlift. We have a Re-load period here with some heavier weights too! We’ve also got lots of fun and effective kettlebell work for you here to keep it interesting.

Block 3B: Getting Started

Block 3B brings you to the final stages of hitting a Press PR and smashing some heavy squats and deadlifts using the two day barbell template with one day of met con. This block will increase your limit strength by keeping the work optimal, and improve your conditioning and increase fat loss when you choose

Block 2A: Getting Started

Block 2 builds where Block 1A&B left off and you will see yourself working at higher intensities to realize some of the strength you built in Block 1. We have some Strongman in her for you as well! Strongman is FUN and effective. Enjoy it. Block 2B is an abbreviated training block, meaning that you

Block 1B: Getting Started

Wow, you finished the first block? How'd you do? Awesome we hope. Block 1B sets you up to see some of the strength you built in the first one, we will set some maxes so that you can take full advantage of our RPE/Percentage based system. Get in the gym and get the work done.

Block 1A: Getting Started

We highly suggest that you begin with this block and then do block 1B. This block preps you to set a 1 rep max on your lifts so that you can take advantage of the RPE/Percentage training model for maximum results. If you do not have a current 1 rep max on your lifts, don’t

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