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TPS Method for Powerlifting Block : Off Season Intermediate Strength Block 1A

This block uses Rep Maxes (RM) on variations to build up general strength and attack specific weaknesses seen in most seasoned powerlifters. Be honest about failure, as a breakdown in technique on the RM indicated the limit for that variation. Give the drops sets and drop weeks the attention they deserve to specific weak positions.

TPS Method for Powerlifting: Building Block 1A

This block will incorporate Maximum Effort exercises on Day 1 and Day 2. These days will not have an RPE assigned on the first exercise. Maximum Effort means what it sounds like it means, so all of these will be an RPE 10 if that helps you understand how hard you need to work. We

Raw 2023 Holiday Season Training Block

Welcome to the 8 Week Holiday Season Block. This block gives you just enough work to make progress, yet still enjoy your Holiday season. We have adjusted Christmas and New Year’s weeks to three days to allow you more time out of the gym to enjoy the season.

Raw Meet Prep

This is a 14 week Meet prep block for the RPS Boston’s Strongest Full Power meet on November 12, 2022. The meet occurs on Week 13 of the program! It can be used by all RAW lifters for any meet as well. Be sure and adjust your training calendar and make sure that you set

Simple & Strong Block 2A

In Block 2A, we are continuing with much of what was in the last two blocks, but adding in a little bit of new stuff for you to keep you from stagnating. There is a lot of work in this block and it will pay off. Remember! Only work sets are listed, make sure that

2021 RPS Power Challenge Meet Prep Program

Meet date: October 9 & 10, 2021 Wow! We have a very exciting new meet prep block with new stuff for you. This block is set to prep you for the 2021 RPS Power Challenge (or any other meet in 20 weeks). It consists of two ten week blocks. Block 1A is laying the base

Intermediate/Advanced Raw Powerlifting Meet Prep Block

Welcome to the Intermediate/Advanced Raw Meet Prep Block. This is a 16 week block with your meet occurring on Week 3 of Block 2B. That is 15 weeks into the entire block. For best results on when to begin this, either check YOUR calendar, or post a question in the Powerlifting Forum. You will see

Block 8C Getting Started

This is it. The time has come. Meet day is in three weeks. You are well prepared to perform at your best! We know the TPS Method for Powerlifting works, after the meet, you will too! Remember to upload video in the forum so we can see how well you did at the meet!

Block 8B Getting Started

It’s getting closer. What? Your meet! Block 8B sets you up to SMASH weights on the platform at the end of the next block! Follow the RPE and don’t do extra work, OR TAKE MAXES!!! Don’t skip the bodyweight work before each session either. It adds up and makes you stronger while helping to correct

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