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Block 6B: Getting Started

Welcome to Block 6B. The intensity, meaning less reps and heavier weight is upped in this block. PLEASE respect the RPE and don’t overshoot. We’ve added in some accommodating resistance using bands too! This Block picks up after Block 6A and is leading into meet prep as we progress along. You will realize the strength

Block 6A: Getting Started

Welcome to Block 6. It is loaded with VOLUME! This Block picks up after Block 5, and is leading into meet prep as we progress along. It is the perfect off-season block. Block 5, 6, and 7 prepare you for the final 12-week prep* in Block 8. Work hard, respect the RPE and reap the

Block 5B: Getting Started

Oh boy, Block 5B pick up where 5A ended in the off season plan to prep you for a meet. 5B brings lower reps and higher percentages in play to display strength. As we said before, this block, as well as the next 3 (Block 6-8) prep you to destroy the competition on the platform.

Block 5A: Getting Started

Oh boy, Block 5A is going to be a beauty. It is loaded with VOLUME and is the PERFECT off season block! We all know volume makes you STRONG right? Well, this block, as well as the next 3 (Block 6-8) prep you to destroy the competition on the platform. We’ve also included a quick

Block 3B: Getting Started

TPS Method for Powerlifting Block 3B leads you from the volume accrued in Block 3A into some high-intensity training. This is where you get to lift heavier for less reps, and we all love that right? There is a little Strongman in there too, so you can build some true functional strength that carries over

Block 3A: Getting Started

TPS Method for Powerlifting Block 3A is filled with VOLUME, and a light sprinkle of intensity. This is designed to pack on muscle while building strength. Unlike a meet prep block where we focus on lower reps and less accessory work, this is an “off season” block. You will spend a lot of time under

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