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Let’s Get Strong Block 2B

In this section of the Let’s Get Strong program, you will DISPLAY the strength you built in Blocks 1A and 1B. Hypertrophy work is included to add some muscle too! This training block works best after Let’s Get Strong 2A Begin November 16, 2020

Let’s Get Strong Block 2A

In this section of the Let’s Get Strong program, you will DISPLAY the strength you built in Blocks 1A and 1B. Hypertrophy work is included to add some muscle too! This training block works best after Let’s Get Strong 1A & 1B, but can be used alone. Begin October 19, 2020

Let’s Get Strong Block 1B

This block will focus on getting you STRONG(er) after you crushed Block 1A. You will be using higher percentages/RPE than the last one, while still accommodating for the extended Covid layoff. It can also be used by any lifter as an 8 week off season block to increase the three lifts with a focus on

Let’s Get Strong Block 1A

This block will focus on getting you STRONG after you acclimated back to training post Covid. You will be using higher percentages/RPE than the last one, while still accommodating for the extended Covid layoff. It can also be used by any lifter as an 8 week off season block to increase the three lifts with

Intermediate/Advanced Raw Powerlifting Meet Prep Block

Welcome to the Intermediate/Advanced Raw Meet Prep Block. This is a 16 week block with your meet occurring on Week 3 of Block 2B. That is 15 weeks into the entire block. For best results on when to begin this, either check YOUR calendar, or post a question in the Powerlifting Forum. You will see

Off Season Block 2C

This is the final phase of your offseason block! Use your Raw max for raw days and equipped max for equipped days. If no % is listed, stick to the RPE. We’ve got some cool new exercises for you in here too. Bands from the front, reverse bands and more!

Off Season Block 2B

Block 2B is a little different than most. You’ll be hitting some maxes here and not using a % on some lifts. Pay attention to the RPE and don’t hit failure on any lifts. Work to a max that you can HIT. On Week 2, you should hit a new bench press PR!

Off Season Block 2A

Block 2A is going to get you stronger, especially on the bench press. You'll be working at higher intensities here on the bench. As always, stick to the RPE! We’ve added some equipment use into this block, as always, if you are single ply, simply go straps down where it says briefs.

Off Season Block 1B

As in the last 4-week block, you will do all of your work raw for this cycle. Raw work builds raw strength, and the more you can lift raw, the more it carries over to your gear. No percentages are used in this cycle as you don’t have RAW maxes. Run the RPE where indicated.

Off Season Block 1A

You will do all of your work raw for this cycle. Raw work builds raw strength, and the more you can lift raw, the more it carries over to your gear. We will give you one deload week at the beginning, two hard weeks of work and one deload week at the end. This will

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