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Beginner Block 1B

Block 1B continues where 1A left off to increase your skill and familiarity with your equipment, as well as increasing RAW strength. Please note that unless otherwise indicated all exercises should be done Raw (with or without belt/wrist wraps/knee or elbow sleeves). Equipment usage is listed in the beginning of each day. EG: if it

Beginner Block 1A

Welcome to the DARKSIDE: Multi-Ply Powerlifting. Equipped Powerlifting is incredibly technical and requires a high degree of skill. This block is not recommended for new lifters, it is for those with experience transitioning to equipped. This block is designed to get someone acclimated to lifting with Multi-Ply Equipment as a total novice or after some

Off Season Block 1A

You will do all of your work raw for this cycle. Raw work builds raw strength, and the more you can lift raw, the more it carries over to your gear. We will give you one deload week at the beginning, two hard weeks of work and one deload week at the end. This will

Accumulation Block 1B

Welcome to Multi Ply powerlifting. Four more weeks of WORK designed to build your raw strength, and skill in your equipment. This is not a meet prep cycle. Your equipment use is listed in the top column each day. See graphic for chain usage. Notes for Single Ply lifters: You can use all of the

Accumulation Block 1A

Welcome to Multi Ply powerlifting. This block and the one that follows are 8 weeks of hard work designed to build your raw strength and skill in your equipment. Please watch the Box Squat Course in order to learn how to do it properly. This is not a meet prep cycle. Your equipment use is

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