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Block 8B: Getting Started

Block 8B will have you testing and setting new one rep maxes! It builds off of blocks 5-7 where you laid a great base of strength. Be prepared to see how strong you got!

Block 7B: Getting Started

Block 7B continues where 7A left off, with a healthy dose of volume and a huge focus on hitting a huge Press and deadlift. We have a Re-load period here with some heavier weights too! We’ve also got lots of fun and effective kettlebell work for you here to keep it interesting.

Block 7A: Getting Started

Block 7A is coming at you hard with a healthy dose of volume and a huge focus on hitting a huge squat and deadlift. We’ve also got lots of fun and effective kettlebell work for you here to keep it interesting.

Block 1A: Getting Started

We highly suggest that you begin with this block and then do block 1B. This block preps you to set a 1 rep max on your lifts so that you can take advantage of the RPE/Percentage training model for maximum results. If you do not have a current 1 rep max on your lifts, don’t

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