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Accumulation Block 1C

This is the final block of your Accumulation phase. You should be getting pretty familiar with your equipment now and getting excited to hit some big numbers! Trust the program and resist the urge smash more weight than is listed in the guidelines for each day. That time will come in your meet prep cycle!

Accumulation Block 1B

Welcome to Multi Ply powerlifting. Four more weeks of WORK designed to build your raw strength, and skill in your equipment. This is not a meet prep cycle. Your equipment use is listed in the top column each day. See graphic for chain usage. Notes for Single Ply lifters: You can use all of the

Accumulation Block 1A

Welcome to Multi Ply powerlifting. This block and the one that follows are 8 weeks of hard work designed to build your raw strength and skill in your equipment. Please watch the Box Squat Course in order to learn how to do it properly. This is not a meet prep cycle. Your equipment use is

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