Welcome to the TPS Method for Powerlifting Off Season Builder Block!

Begin 05/13/24

Welcome to this all new 12 week off season builder block. The goal is to build EVERYTHING including your conditioning (GPP).  We do this with a heavy use of circuits in the training block.

On the circuits use the same weight for each exercise as you would if it was not a circuit. Many people use much less weight while circuit training. Don’t make that mistake. And move quickly and with purpose through them. You should be out of breath at the end of one.

You can also add is a one or two days of Sled Dragging for recovery.

This program is set up to conform to the 2024 calendar year and accommodates for Memorial Day and July 4th with 3 days of training those weeks.

Be sure and do a few warmup sets on everything to make sure that you get enough volume in too.


Ask in the Forum!

And, post your training there too!