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How to Cycle Off of a Low Carb Diet

OK, so I have been trying to write this article for about 6 months but with the 8 billion emails and phone calls I get daily, finding the time has been tough. As it is now, I am writing this in a few different sittings so I will try and deliver this as a coherent

Four Healthy Fats To Add Into Your Diet

Nutrition Corner August 2014:  Four Healthy Fats To Add Into Your Diet I hate the word diet, but if I say meal plan, people seem to get confused. I hate "diet" because it has such a negative connotation.  As you go about your meal plan, one thing you must make sure you’re doing is adding

How to Stay Full While Dieting

How to Stay Full While Dieting   The concept of fat loss is simple. Consistently eat less than your body uses and you’ll lose fat. Period. Unfortunately, simple does NOT mean easy. If fat loss were easy, everyone would be 6% body fat with a fresh set of washboard abs. That’d be pretty sweet, huh?

Recipe of the Month-Orange Cinnamon Spice Carnitas

Gerilyn, Coach G, facilitates flourishing by helping women find themselves and create vibrantly healthy lives they adore. This usually involves lots of butter, fun, and butterfly challenges because food, love, and life are exquisitely delicious and every moment deserves savoring. Catch her here at the gym or at her website for more sunshine!   Recipe

Anaerobic Alactic Conditioning: When Less is More

When people first start working out they generally want to do more. - Lift more weight - Do more reps - Train more frequently - Do more conditioning While I respect the desire to improve and work hard, it’s important to remember that doing more isn’t always the best choice. In fact, often times, doing

3 Simple Ways to Boost Your Fat Loss

  How long have you wanted to lose the same, 10, 20, 30, or more pounds? You’ve probably tried method after method, diet after diet, year after year with minimal success and nothing to show for it. But what if I told you fat loss was actually very easy? Would you believe me? I hope

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