What is the TPSMethod.com?
Are you ready to…
Burn fat
Increase muscle definition
Get stronger
Improve performance
Improve stamina
Lose inches
Get stronger
Look and feel your best
If the answer is yes, then TPSMethod.com is for you!
We have been compiling data and refining our methods of Personal Training since 1999— TPSMethod.com incorporates all of the information we have collected over the years on what works and what does not and uses only the best techniques to get you leaner, stronger, faster and looking your best!
OnDemand so that you can follow the workouts in your own time in your arena of choice. It is for men and women who want to be the best they can be and not waste time.
All you have to do is select one of our programs that have been designed to get you results.
You will be rewarded with RESULTS!
Members have streaming access to more than 200 instructional videos in our ever-evolving Video Library, accountability and feedback tools via our interactive forum, coach tips, and more.
Looking to achieve your own powerlifting and fitness goals? Activate your FREE 7-Day Trial and pick your program.