The TPS Method For Powerlifting Is The Most Complete Online Resource for Intermediate and Advanced Powerlifting Training Programs, Raw and Equipped.
See Why.
The offers Powerlifting training programs and much more for all levels of skill.
We are well known for our beginner powerlifting programs, but did you know that we offer expert programming for lifters of all levels?
Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Powerlifters will all excel using our Method and hit new PR totals on the platform.
Do you fit the Intermediate to Advanced lifter category?
How do you know?
Here is a rough guideline:
You range from never having done a meet to competing in under 6 meets; and have less than 3 years training.
You’ve got 3-6 years of competing under your belt and you’ve done 7-12 meets.

You should know if you are an Advanced lifter.
You’ve got over 7 years of training experience, you’ve done a lot of meets, maybe shattered some records, and been on the podium a few times.
You may have even been invited to or qualified for some big meets.
What do you all have in common?
You want to improve upon the progress you’ve made.
It’s as simple as that.
You want a bigger squat, bench press, deadlift and total.
You want to win.
You also realize that you can’t do this on your own.
The best athletes all have a coach. Powerlifting is no different.
Do you want to:
See Why.
The offers Powerlifting training programs and much more for all levels of skill.
We are well known for our beginner powerlifting programs, but did you know that we offer expert programming for lifters of all levels?
Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Powerlifters will all excel using our Method and hit new PR totals on the platform.
Do you fit the Intermediate to Advanced lifter category?
How do you know?
Here is a rough guideline:
You range from never having done a meet to competing in under 6 meets; and have less than 3 years training.
You’ve got 3-6 years of competing under your belt and you’ve done 7-12 meets.
You should know if you are an Advanced lifter. You’ve got over 7 years of training experience, you’ve done a lot of meets, maybe shattered some records, and been on the podium a few times. You may have even been invited to or qualified for some big meets.
What do you all have in common?
You want to improve upon the progress you’ve made.
It’s as simple as that.
You want a bigger squat, bench press, deadlift and total.
You want to win.
You also realize that you can’t do this on your own.
The best athletes all have a coach. Powerlifting is no different.
Do you want to:
Let me introduce myself to you.
My name is C.J. Murphy and I am the founder of
Total Performance Sports (TPS)
in Boston, Massachusetts.
Let me introduce myself to you.
My name is C.J. Murphy and I am the founder of Total Performance Sports (TPS) in Boston, Massachusetts.
TPS has been voted:
One of America’s 20 Best Gyms by Men’s Health magazine TWICE
Best of 2015 by Women’s Health magazine
Best of Boston by Boston Magazine
I am a member of the Muscle and Fitness and Men’s Fitness magazine’s Advisory Board. You’ve probably read my articles in one of those publications or in Men’s Health too.
TPS has been voted:
One of America’s 20 Best Gyms by Men’s Health magazine TWICE |
Best of 2015 by Women’s Health magazine |
Best of Boston by Boston Magazine |
I am a member of the Muscle and Fitness and Men’s Fitness magazine’s Advisory Board. You’ve probably read my articles in one of those publications or in Men’s Health too.
TPS has been featured and consulted by many media outlets for
expert fitness and training advice including:
And many more!
TPS has been featured and consulted by many media outlets for expert fitness and training advice including:
And many more!
I am also a member of Team EliteFTS (
I am a retired Strongman athlete and a former National Powerlifting Champion.
More important than any of that, I am a Coach who cares about each athlete that I train and I want to see them succeed, and be the best that they can be.
I created the TPS Method and the TPS Method for Powerlifting to give my clients a unique, systemized, methodical approach to training.
Think of the TPS Method like the Jeet Kun Do (JKD) of strength.
If you are unfamiliar with JKD, it is the system of martial arts developed by Bruce Lee.
The TPS Method is certainly not martial arts, but it adheres to Bruce Lee’s philosophy of looking at and studying everything and then taking and applying what works and tossing what does not.
It is a “Modern” system, meaning that it is always evolving and it does not adhere to dogma.
The TPS Method for Powerlifting incorporates what works from many systems and packages them into a unique, plug and play system that you can begin at any level, beginner to advanced and start making more progress right away.
Sounds pretty good right?
Why wait?
Give us a try, no risk involved.
Join now, you’ve got nothing to lose.
I am also a member of Team EliteFTS ( I am a retired Strongman athlete and a former National Powerlifting Champion.
More important than any of that, I am a Coach who cares about each athlete that I train and I want to see them succeed, and be the best that they can be.
I created the TPS Method and the TPS Method for Powerlifting to give my clients a unique, systemized, methodical approach to training.
Think of the TPS Method like the Jeet Kun Do (JKD) of strength. If you are unfamiliar with JKD, it is the system of martial arts developed by Bruce Lee.
The TPS Method is certainly not martial arts, but it adheres to Bruce Lee’s philosophy of looking at and studying everything and then taking and applying what works and tossing what does not.
It is a “Modern” system, meaning that it is always evolving and it does not adhere to dogma.
The TPS Method for Powerlifting incorporates what works from many systems and packages them into a unique, plug and play system that you can begin at any level, beginner to advanced and start making more progress right away.
Sounds pretty good right?
Why wait?
Give us a try, no risk involved.
Join now, you’ve got nothing to lose.
What is included with the TPS Method for Powerlifting membership?
The TPS Method for Powerlifting includes everything you need, soup to nuts.
Once you activate your TPS Method Membership, you will have access to:
Member Dashboard
The Member Dashboard is your starting point for the program
Powerlifting Training Programs
Written by me and my team of highly experienced, professional coaches including Raw and Equipped programs for all levels of lifters
Video Library
Access to our constantly updated video library
Member Forums
Access to member forums where you can post questions and videos and get instant feedback from my team
Video Courses
Video courses designed to enhance your training
Seminars on special topics to complement your training
Coaching Tips
Access to coaches for tips
Customized Training
Customized programs just for you (additional fee)
Instant Feedback
The biggest feature besides programming—the Member Forum where you can get instant feedback on your lifts by simply uploading a video and asking a question!
And much more!
What is included with the TPS Method for Powerlifting membership?
The TPS Method for Powerlifting includes everything you need, soup to nuts.
Once you activate your TPS Method Membership, you will have access to:
Member Dashboard
The Member Dashboard is your starting point for the program
Powerlifting Training Programs
Written by me and my team of highly experienced, professional coaches including Raw and Equipped programs for all levels of lifters
Video Library
Access to our constantly updated video library
Member Forums
Access to member forums where you can post questions and videos and get instant feedback from my team
Video Courses
Video courses designed to enhance your training
Seminars on special topics to complement your training
Coaching Tips
Access to coaches for tips
Customized Training
Customized programs just for you (additional fee)
Instant Feedback
The biggest feature besides programming—the Member Forum where you can get instant feedback on your lifts by simply uploading a video and asking a question!
And much more!
Let’s talk about the video library for a moment.
I feel that this is worth the membership price alone.
Our video library has long and short videos on a huge range of subjects.
The short ones are quick hits that you can click and see how to do an exercise right in the middle of your training.
This is a huge help if you are following a program and an exercise is in it but you just don’t know what it is, or how to do it.
Just click the link (right in your program) and the video will come up showing you what to do.
We’ve also got longer videos that go into detail on all of the intricacies of an exercise and fully explain it to you.
It’s like having a coach right there in the room with you.
Our library includes complete coverage for:



Rooting & Bracing

Assessments & Correctives


The Squat

The Bench Press

The Deadlift

Assistance Exercises

Upper Body Accessory Work

Lower Body Accessory Work

Torso Exercises



Cool Down
Let’s talk about the video library for a moment.
I feel that this is worth the membership price alone.
Our video library has long and short videos on a huge range of subjects.
The short ones are quick hits that you can click and see how to do an exercise right in the middle of your training.
This is a huge help if you are following a program and an exercise is in it but you just don’t know what it is, or how to do it.
Just click the link (right in your program) and the video will come up showing you what to do.
We’ve also got longer videos that go into detail on all of the intricacies of an exercise and fully explain it to you.
It’s like having a coach right there in the room with you.
Our library includes complete coverage for:



Rooting & Bracing

Assessments & Correctives


The Squat

The Bench Press

The Deadlift

Assistance Exercises

Upper Body Accessory Work

Lower Body Accessory Work

Torso Exercises



Cool Down
Powerlifting Programs
Having the best program helps.
The TPS Method for Powerlifting programs work.
We have coached lifters to Regional, National and World Championship wins using this system.
Our lifters have also set Regional, National and World records.
You will get instant access to proven programming no matter what your level of experience.
Beginners, it is all mapped out for you.
Login, follow the steps on the Member Dashboard, download your program and lift.
It’s all done for you. No worries, no hassles, no confusion.
Intermediate to Advanced lifters looking to go to the next level, we’ve got you covered. We have the experience and the knowledge to bring out the best in you.
Most of our programs are delivered in 8 week blocks and each is part of a greater process.
We spend time building skill and strength in the “off season” and gradually bring you to a PEAK so that you perform your best on meet day.
This is something that we take great pride in.
All too often we see lifters getting injured, being stuck at the same weights, not recovering, and generally taking 1 step forward and 2 or 3 steps back on other programs.
The TPS Method for Powerlifting’s programing eliminates these problems.
As you go through a training block you should be recovered and ready to perform on meet day, not run down and banged up.
A well designed system of training ensures this.
The TPS Method for Powerlifting is that system.
We have a reputation for bringing extremely competent lifters to meets, regardless of their level of experience. I’ve been told more than once that we look like a military operation at meets with the systemized approach we have and the skill and discipline our lifters display.
This all comes back to the program.
The program build success at each step in the cycle.
The TPS Method for Powerlifting has programs for:
Raw lifters
Equipped lifters
Those who wish to become champions
We do not have programs for “tourists”.
We only want people who wish to be successful and perform better than they ever have.
We have coached lifters to Regional, National and World Championship wins using this system.
Our lifters have also set Regional, National and World records.
You will get instant access to proven programming no matter what your level of experience. Beginners, it is all mapped out for you.
Login, follow the steps on the Member Dashboard, download your program and lift. It’s all done for you. No worries, no hassles, no confusion.
Most of our programs are delivered in 8 week blocks and each is part of a greater process.
We spend time building skill and strength in the “off season” and gradually bring you to a PEAK so that you perform your best on meet day.
This is something that we take great pride in.
All too often we see lifters getting injured, being stuck at the same weights, not recovering, and generally taking 1 step forward and 2 or 3 steps back on other programs.
The TPS Method for Powerlifting’s programing eliminates these problems.
As you go through a training block you should be recovered and ready to perform on meet day, not run down and banged up. A well designed system of training ensures this.
The TPS Method for Powerlifting is that system.
We have a reputation for bringing extremely competent lifters to meets, regardless of their level of experience. I’ve been told more than once that we look like a military operation at meets with the systemized approach we have and the skill and discipline our lifters display.
This all comes back to the program.
The program build success at each step in the cycle.
The TPS Method for Powerlifting has programs for:
– Raw lifters
– Equipped lifters
– Beginners
– Intermediates
– Advanced
– Those who wish to become champions
We do not have programs for “tourists”.
We only want people who wish to be successful and perform better than they ever have.
Video Courses

The TPS Method for Powerlifting has an ever growing library of courses on:
- Lifting Technique
- Mobility
- Meet Prep
- What to do before a meet
- Nutrition
- Accessory work
- Assistance work
- Recovery

Have you seen what it costs to attend a seminar?
It’s not cheap.
Now I am not saying they are not worth the price, many are, and I go to a lot, and present at a lot.
How many of you can get away to travel for a seminar and get a day off work, or away from the family?
I’ll bet that getting to one is pretty inconvenient right?
Let’s look at the cost of attending a seminar (if it’s not in your town), and again, I am not saying they are not worth the cost, I am just saying…
Seminar Fee: $150 (on the low end)
Travel: $50
Hotel: $150
Food & Whiskey: $100
Total: $450 (at least!)
With your TPS Method for Powerlifting, you get seminar video included.
We film our seminars and will continue to do so.
We will also upload them for you to watch at your convenience.
This is another of those “worth the price alone” features.
Troll free
We’ve also got member forums for you.
Got a question?
One of our expert coaches will answer you.
Need a quick critique on your squat?
Post it.
One of our expert coaches will give you feedback.
Want to start a discussion with other members on a topic?
Post it.
Get the conversation rolling.
This feature alone is sadly missing from most other online programming sites. Sure, you get a program, but what about your form and technique?
How do you know if it is good or if it needs attention?
You don’t.
The Forum fixes that and gives you access to EXPERT coaches and their “coaches eye”.
We will watch your video and give you tips and cues on what needs fixing.
This alone is well worth the price of membership!
By now you must be ready to RISK NOTHING and claim your 7-Day Trial now.
But if you are not ready, see what the TPS Method for Powerlifting can do for you.
Hint: It’s a lot.
The TPS Method for Powerlifting eliminates all of the guesswork and delivers you programs, videos, courses, seminars, access to expert coaches and sets you up for success.
I had to figure all of this out for myself (with the help of friends and mentors) but you don’t.
Let me be your mentor and learn from my mistakes, and the mistakes of my team.
Having a done for you, proven and organized resource for all of your training and programming needs ensures success because all you have to do is the train.
We’ve done all the thinking, the programming, the trial and error and we know what works and what doesn’t.
Use my decades of experience as a coach and let me and my team mentor you along the way.
Video Courses

The TPS Method for Powerlifting has an ever growing library of courses on:
- Lifting Technique
- Mobility
- Meet Prep
- What to do before a meet
- Nutrition
- Accessory work
- Assistance work
- Recovery

Have you seen what it costs to attend a seminar?
It’s not cheap.
Now I am not saying they are not worth the price, many are, and I go to a lot, and present at a lot.
How many of you can get away to travel for a seminar and get a day off work, or away from the family?
I’ll bet that getting to one is pretty inconvenient right?
Let’s look at the cost of attending a seminar (if it’s not in your town), and again, I am not saying they are not worth the cost, I am just saying…
Seminar Fee: $150 (on the low end)
Travel: $50
Hotel: $150
Food & Whiskey: $100
Total: $450 (at least!)
With your TPS Method for Powerlifting, you get seminar video included.
We film our seminars and will continue to do so.
We will also upload them for you to watch at your convenience.
This is another of those “worth the price alone” features.
Troll free
We’ve also got member forums for you.
Got a question?
One of our expert coaches will answer you.
Need a quick critique on your squat?
Post it.
One of our expert coaches will give you feedback.
Want to start a discussion with other members on a topic?
Post it.
Get the conversation rolling.
This feature alone is sadly missing from most other online programming sites. Sure, you get a program, but what about your form and technique?
How do you know if it is good or if it needs attention?
You don’t.
The Forum fixes that and gives you access to EXPERT coaches and their “coaches eye”.
We will watch your video and give you tips and cues on what needs fixing.
This alone is well worth the price of membership!
By now you must be ready to RISK NOTHING and claim your 7-Day Trial.
But if you are not ready, see what the TPS Method for Powerlifting can do for you.
Hint: It’s a lot.
The TPS Method for Powerlifting eliminates all of the guesswork and delivers you programs, videos, courses, seminars, access to expert coaches and sets you up for success.
I had to figure all of this out for myself (with the help of friends and mentors) but you don’t.
Let me be your mentor and learn from my mistakes, and the mistakes of my team.
Having a done for you, proven and organized resource for all of your training and programming needs ensures success because all you have to do is the train.
We’ve done all the thinking, the programming, the trial and error and we know what works and what doesn’t.
Use my decades of experience as a coach and let me and my team mentor you along the way.

Remember I said that you can learn from my mistakes?
I meant it. I made ALL of them.
When I started training way back in the early 1980’s, there was almost no information out there except for the muscle magazines. There were no coaches or trainers.
If you were lucky, you got connected with a crew or a guy at the gym that knew what they were doing and they allowed you to train with them.
You usually just ended up loading plates for them, but even then, you learned.
You couldn’t whip out your phone and get the information you needed because there were no phones; except for the one at your house plugged into the wall!
You couldn’t go home and turn on your PC or laptop and search the Google machine because it didn’t exist, and there were no PC’s!
Times are different now and the amount of information out there is staggering.
TPS is a trusted source of information, as am I.
I’ve made it a point throughout my career to only give out the best information I was capable of, building trust with my clients and readers.
Now, you can take advantage of that and have access to me and my precisely selected team anywhere in the world.
You don’t have to come to TPS or be in Boston.
You can do it right at home, or in the gym no matter where you are!
Don’t miss this opportunity, you have nothing to risk.

Remember I said that you can learn from my mistakes?
I meant it. I made ALL of them.
When I started training way back in the early 1980’s, there was almost no information out there except for the muscle magazines. There were no coaches or trainers.
If you were lucky, you got connected with a crew or a guy at the gym that knew what they were doing and they allowed you to train with them.
You usually just ended up loading plates for them, but even then, you learned.
You couldn’t whip out your phone and get the information you needed because there were no phones; except for the one at your house plugged into the wall!
You couldn’t go home and turn on your PC or laptop and search the Google machine because it didn’t exist, and there were no PC’s!
Times are different now and the amount of information out there is staggering.
TPS is a trusted source of information, as am I.
I’ve made it a point throughout my career to only give out the best information I was capable of, building trust with my clients and readers.
Now, you can take advantage of that and have access to me and my precisely selected team anywhere in the world.
You don’t have to come to TPS or be in Boston.
You can do it right at home, or in the gym no matter where you are!
Don’t miss this opportunity, you have nothing to risk.
If you still aren’t convinced, see what our actual clients and industry bigwigs
have to say.
People love the TPS Method for Powerlifting
[testimonial_view id=”2″]
If you still aren’t convinced, see what our actual clients and industry bigwigs
have to say.
People love the TPS Method for Powerlifting
[testimonial_view id=”3″]